21 Days of Prayer

At Uitenhage Baptist Church, we are conscious of our powerlessness to accomplish anything on our own. Our only hope for transformation, influence, positive impact, and life change begins and ends with our Heavenly Father. Because of our complete dependence on Him, we believe there is no better way to start 2025 than by making room in our lives for prayer. For the next 21 days, you are invited to make room for the Lord in your daily life. use this guide to help read God’s Word, think through the passages, and focus on prayer. God promises that seeking Him is ALWAYS time well spent.

You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart – Jeremiah 29:13 (CSB)

WEEK 1 - Make Room for God
WEEK 1 – Make Room for God

Take some time this week to prayer-walk your neighbourhood. If you know the residents of the homes you pass, pray for them by name. If you do not know their names, pray God will open a path for you to connect to them.

WEEK 2 - Make Room for Missional Living
WEEK 2 – Make Room for Missional Living

Find a way to serve someone in your neighbourhood in an unexpected way this week. For example, bless them with a meal, rake their leaves or provide for a known need.

WEEK 3 - Make Room for Relationships
WEEK 3 – Make Room for Relationships

This week, open your home to one or more families in your neighbourhood for a simple get together. Be intentional about getting to know their stories and look for ways to pray for or humbly serve them.